"Geely Auto, Happy Energize!" Visual Identity Design

Creative Team

D:Runwei Lin  
MD:Runwei Lin                                                                    
AT:Qian Lei                                                                         
SC:Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Creative Summary

Geely brand elements as the main body of creation, creative poster design as the main form, through the unique creativity of visual design, shaping a youthful, digital brand image communication, looking forward to the Geely in the "intelligent electric" era continue to break through the new picture of self. Geely has always followed the brand value proposition of "Greatness through Happiness", in which "happiness" is the keyword of the brand value. The poster is inspired by the five genes of Geely's CMA architecture: safety, health, intelligence, performance and energy saving, and links them to the keyword "happiness", and is designed on the basis of Geely's brand super symbol "shield label". Based on the Geely brand super-symbol "Shield Mark", five distinctive cartoon images were designed as the main body of the dynamic posters, combining brilliant colors and diverse textures to interpret the brand DNA of Geely Automobile.