Family is light Moon Cake Gift Box

Creative Team

AD:Nan Xiao
D:Chang Kai
I:Chang Kai



Creative Summary

'Family is light' Mid-autumn moon cake gift box,we hope to convey the concept of "Family is light" through the real lighting and the structure of the plane, graphics, illustration, and packaging.In the packaging design, we did our best to be eco-friendly and make the best use of everything. For example, the portable moon cake outer packing can be used as a decorative poster pendant. Glue shall not be used in the packaging structure as much as possible. Each moon cake is packaged in snow paper with illustrations.
The transparency of the snow paper increases the entertainment. It can also be torn off for collection. The waste of the paper is designed as a coaster and so on.

During the current social context,we hope that such a gift box is a warm and simple design that can touch our hearts. This is also our sincere wish and expectation. East or West, Family is Light.