INTERNET SLANG IN: Communication,Controversies,Community,Avoiding censorship,Satire, and Democracy

Creative Team

D:Yiyang Li
SC:University of the Arts London

Creative Summary

Is internet slang just negative and lazy? Through a series of articles and images, especially through the examples about how Chinese netizens used Internet slang to deconstruct Chinese characters to avoid online censorship, I have recorded how Internet slang plays an active role in communication, controversy, community, censorship avoidance, political satire and democracy. 

Meanwhile, I apply the feature of abbreviations (internet slang) to typography, only retain the first letter of each word while the rest is covered by squares. So as to express Internet slang can encrypt and protect text. From the book cover, you can only see the title of the book. When turning to the catalog page, you can see all the hidden information. The page number also borrows the form of leet, which is gradually encrypted. Uncoated paper and coated paper are used in the book to simulate the texture of recording and electronic screen display.