Pushing Through Uncertianty

As someone who's no stranger to self-doubt, I know how tough it can be to face hesitation, uncertainty, and fear of failure. These feelings can stop us dead in our tracks. Therefore, I set out to create this book as a guidebook, aimed at helping individuals embrace the creative process without the burden of fearing failure.

This book employs a rich and colorful Riso printing technique. The first part of the book introduces the reader to a series of shapes of various colors and sizes. While there is no text in this section, I offer something else to read: endless potential and possibility through shape and color. I invite the reader to activate their senses and discover something that speaks to them.

In the last section of the book, I invite the reader to enact this playfulness on their own. I ask them to select objects at random and respond to the prompts in order to create endlessly and without limitation.